I received a Warning saying an Item is already mapped to a different GL Account. What does this mean?

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What does this warning Mean?

Important Note: This warning was a new warning we implemented to allow for more transparency in your data. If you are receiving these warnings they are not necessarily due to a recent change. These warnings have been going on in the back end data for some time. We just made them visible to you as the user. This means that changes to your Products GL Account mapping could have happened at any point after that item was first created in QuickBooks Online. 

ConnectWise PSA provides both Item and GL Account information, but sometimes ConnectWise PSA will later send us the same item with a different GL Account information.  

For example: You have an item "Cat5 Cable".       

  • Item "Cat5 Cable" is created on an invoice that specifies the GL Account as "Consumables".

  • Later another invoice includes "Cat5 Cable", but says the GL Account is "Parts". Since the "Cat5 Cable" item is already created in QuickBooks Online and linked to the "Consumables" account.

When we create the new invoice, then the line that contains the item "Cat5 Cable" will be attributed to the original account of "Consumables"  instead of "Parts”. We will issue a "Completed With Warning" message to let you know that the item in question was already mapped to the GL Account "Consumables" and can not be mapped to the GL Account "Parts".

Why can't it map to different GL Accounts based on the invoice?

The answer is; the only way we'd be able to associate an Invoice to a different GL Account while using the same Product is by changing the GL Account that's on that Product in the QuickBooks database.  There's a number of situations where that can get very messy very quickly (Ex: We create an Invoice, then change the GL Account on the Product to create another Invoice for that Product, then you go and edit the first Invoice and inadvertently change the GL Account that the first invoice is mapped to, then you end up with a mess on your invoicing).

We recommend setting up your GL Mappings in Connectw in a way that your Product IDs always map to the same GL Accounts.  If that causes you to not be able to get some of the reporting that you want, then it's likely you can re-gain the kind of reporting that you need by using Classes.  We can set a different Class on the same Product on a different Invoice. This article here can explain how to map using classes Class & Sub-class Mapping.

How to stop this warning?

To clear this warning you will need to make sure your GL Account Mappings for your Products (Items) match between ConnectWise PSA and Quickbooks Online. 

If you wish to have this item mapped to the GL Account "Parts". Then after you update the GL Account mapping in ConnectWise PSA, you will need to change the account it is linked to in QuickBooks Online. To do this all you need to do is log into QuickBooks Online , go to Sales > Products and Services > Click Edit on the product you wish to change. In that screen you can then drop down the "Income" Account and change which account it is mapped to. Or if you have updated the Expense account you will want to drop down that account and change it to the new account mapping.

Screenshot from QuickBooks Online showing Product/Service Information for the item in question.

How to fix a blank COGS account in ConnectWise PSA.

If you are receiving a blank COGS account from ConnectWise PSA but it is showing a COGS account on this product in QuickBooks Online, then you will need to add the COGs account on the Revenue GL Entry for this item. Navigate to Setup Table > GL Accounts. Locate the product revenue account for the item in question. Then click into it to edit. Once there enter the correct COGS account into the COGs field. Click save and close.

Image from ConnectWise PSA showing GL Account for item with a red box highlighting the COGS field.

Unsure why you are getting this warning?

I recommend you log into your ConnectWise PSA and QuickBooks Online accounts and verify the mappings you currently have set up for your items. They need to mapped perfectly for this warning to not be given. You can used these two articles to help you through that process. Product Costing GL Accounts Mapping and Product Mapping

Note: This is not a change in the logic for item/account mapping, all we did is add a warning to make you aware of the way the mapping works. Invoices in QuickBooks Online link to Products, and those Products link to GL accounts. 

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